3D printer and artificial meat are not new concepts, but have you heard of using 3D printer to “print” artificial meat? It has the same fat feeling as real meat, and even the juice is almost the same.
Recently, according to media reports, Redefine Meat, an Israeli start-up, said that the “3D printing meat” developed by the company has been sold in many European countries, and the price of 3D meat chops is about 41 euros per kilogram.
Not only 3D printing meat, but also 3D printing salmon
Redefine Meat revealed that the 3D printing meat produced by the company is sold in nearly 1000 restaurants in Israel, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany. With the help of Giraudi Meats, the meat wholesaler, Redefine Meat will launch its products in French restaurants and meat stores this month, and will start selling its products in Italy, Greece and Sweden later this year. Next year, the company will also expand its business to more countries.https://forum.stoneitech.com/
It is reported that the raw material of the company’s 3D printing meat (called ink in the industry) is made of plant ingredients, including protein and fat. The company said that it has patented industrial-scale digital manufacturing technology, which can completely replicate the muscle structure of beef. Let the 3D printing pork chops produced not only have high protein, but also contain no cholesterol. They look and taste like beef.
The CEO of the company said that the company’s production capacity will reach more than 15 tons per day this year. It is reported that Redefine Meat will also launch sirloin steak and sirloin steak products.
According to the data, the start-up company has raised more than 170 million US dollars and will use the new funds to set up two production plants in Israel and the Netherlands for its 3D printing plant product line, and expand cooperation with more chain restaurants in Israel and other regions.
In fact, as a new breakthrough in the food industry, many companies around the world are trying to print food in 3D.
Some companies have targeted the salmon market. Last year, an Austrian company called Reve Foods became famous for its 3D smoked salmon.
Revo Foods also uses plants as raw materials, including pea, oil and seaweed extracts. Their first 3D printing product, smoked salmon, was very popular in Austria after its launch. Later, they entered the Spanish market and cooperated with some stores and hotels in Madrid and Barcelona.
Israel Plantish, which also focuses on 3D printing plant salmon instead of real fish, has raised US $14.5 million as of March this year after its establishment in the middle of last year.
This 3D printing food company in China mainly produces steamed buns, rice noodles and other staple foods
In China, there are also many 3D printing food companies.
MOODLES, which has just been established for one year, is one of them. MOODLES has been sought after by the capital because it has found a new way to enter the food race. At present, it has completed three rounds of financing and has quickly stood at the forefront.
Globally, more and more start-ups use biotechnology to cultivate proteins to replace meat. However, in contrast, MOODLES reshaped meat to replace carbon and water. This business model has very regional cultural characteristics, because China’s food culture is more dependent on carbon water. At present, the company has launched noodles, pasta, Rice and vegetable roll, steamed stuffed buns, rice noodles and other products.
It is understood that Zhu Peiran, founder of MOODLES, once participated in the establishment of orthopedic 3D printing company and served as CTO. The founding team is from the interdisciplinary master and doctor expert groups of the University of Massachusetts, Cornell University, West Lake University, Nanjing Agricultural University, etc. At the same time, it has jointly built a food joint research and development center with Jiangnan University and Zhejiang Business University.
At present, MOODLES has completed the construction of its factory in Maanshan, Anhui Province, and the independent research and development of new production lines has officially been launched. At the same time, the factory has obtained the production license for new food products, and has the capacity to produce 5000-8000 tons of products annually. In the future, MOODLES will start the construction of Phase II plant at the end of 2023, which is expected to achieve an annual capacity of 20000 tons.
In addition, according to public information, in June this year, a new product press conference with the theme of “future meat defines new ecology” was held in Xi’an. On the day of the press conference, Baihong Group launched the world’s first 3D printing of artificial meat using stem cell technology. It is reported that Baihong Group uses engineering construction technology to make animal stem cells undergo myogenic differentiation under the induction of specific microenvironment, and then forms a new type of meat food through 3D printing molding of meat, 3D expansion of stem cells, secretion induction of meat ECM and other technologies.
Personalized customization is its characteristic 3D printing food has broad prospects
The artificial meat on the market now has a significant disadvantage. Compared with ordinary meat, its form is not a common complete block, but a meat paste. Therefore, its cooking forms as food are mostly meat cakes, Rice-meat dumplings, meat sticks, etc. Moreover, its color and taste are much lighter than normal meat.
It is against this background that how to make artificial meat comparable with real meat in color, smell and taste has become the pursuit of people in “technology”. This is also the charm of 3D printing food.
According to an article published by the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering, 3D printing of food has eight advantages. For example, personalized customization allows chefs, especially bakers, to try textures and designs that have never been created before; Through the preparation of food “ink”, provide accurate amounts of vitamins, nutrients and calories for each meal to achieve a healthy diet; In addition, it can also print food with different taste, texture and taste by changing the procedures and raw materials.
In addition, in terms of 3D printing of artificial meat, the CEO of Redefine Meat said that reducing beef production would significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and would also significantly reduce grazing area. Similarly, such technology can also be used to produce fish or other meat after continuous development.
But at present, the cost of 3D printing food is too high. For example, Redefine Meat said that the 3D printing meat chops sold in Europe are imitation artificial meat products based on plant protein, but the price per kilogram is still as high as 41 euros. This is why the company is the first to launch products to high-end restaurants.
Perhaps the cost can be reduced only by achieving the scale effect, but for most 3D food printing companies on the market at present, mass production only exists in the schedule.
However, the 3D food printing market is very broad. According to Quince Market Insights, the 3D food printing market is expected to grow at a CAGR of about 48% from now to 2030.
So, at that time, are you willing to choose 3D printing meat instead of real meat?