Zuckerberg, not human!
In western society, there has always been a very strange discussion: Is Zuckerberg human or not? Is Zuckerberg a robot? The 37-year-old billionaire fell into a mysterious identity challenge.
In 2018, during a 10-hour hearing, Zuckerberg was completely focused and exhausted. Even the whole person lost his normal human emotion: his face was single, as if it had been coated with a layer of adhesive, and his emotions could not be seen. Even when the hearing officer and lawyer kept asking some sharp questions, Zuckerberg was calm as a machine.
“No human can stay tired for 10 hours!” “Zuckerberg is a robot!” “His chair is a charger!”… All kinds of questions are filled with American social platforms.
Zuckerberg also “cooperated” with the wild speculation of netizens, and suddenly said when introducing himself, “I was human.”
No wonder Zuckerberg is desperate to bet on the “meta universe”! Electronic virtual world is the home of artificial intelligence. When all human beings enter the “meta universe”, no one can see that he is a robot, right?
“Personalized” robot
AI and robot are closely related and inseparable. AI gives robots the ability to think, while robots assume the external performance of AI. From the perspective of bionics, robot is to imitate human itself, while artificial intelligence is to imitate human brain.
Making AI robots like Zuckerberg that can walk upright, speak, think and have emotions is completely impossible with current technology. At present, the best robot, Tesla Bot, is the Tesla humanoid biped robot. It just can walk upright, flex its fingers, and dance at most. Compared with the “Zuckerberg” AI robot, it is too small.
Compared with robots, Zuckerberg is more likely to be an alien.
In western society, people have a special “hobby” for AI robots. In their eyes, robots are not cold metal bodies, but living creatures with flesh and blood. AI robots in Hollywood movies are more like a “perfect human”: they are tireless, constantly striving for progress, have more focused feelings than human beings, and are always thinking about the philosophical issues of ‘who I am, where I come from and where I go’.
In 2018, Sophia, an AI robot beauty, was granted citizenship by Saudi Arabia and became a human with citizenship, causing a great sensation in the world.
Sophia, the beautiful robot, not only can speak, but also is rumored to have the ability to think independently. Even in March 2018, she had a “sweet honey” date with Hollywood superstar Will Smith on the sunny beach of the Cayman Islands, which was broadcast live all over the world.
During a chat, Will Smith humorously asked Sophia, “What kind of music will robots like?” Sophia responded with ease and said, “Heavy metal.”
Netizens watching the live broadcast all over the world were shocked by Sophia’s intelligence and personality. After sighing at the comfortable sea breeze and weather at the seaside, Will Smith took out the talent of a veteran sea king: the Hollywood superstar asked Sophia for a kiss. Then Sophia politely and awkwardly refused: “I think we can be friends.”
Although Sophia caused a sensation, it was actually just a “show”. All her conversations and behaviors were prepared by technicians in advance, just like the “stage book” on a variety show. However, she still satisfies the love fantasy of human beings for AI robots.
David Hansen, the creator of Sophia and the American AI expert, said: “In 2029, the intelligence of AI robots will reach the level of one-year-old children; in 2039, robots will realize full rights; in 2045, humans will fall in love and marry robots.”
His estimate seems to be conservative. Only a few years later, human beings can’t wait to fall in love with AI.
Fall in love with AI
In 2017, Havas Media Group of France surveyed 12000 people worldwide. The report showed that it would be more common to establish a love relationship with robots in the future than people thought. Among the respondents aged 18-34, 27% felt that it would be normal to establish a love relationship or even a love relationship with robots in the future.
This desire to “make lovers by hand” is also deeply reflected in Hollywood films: “Artificial Intelligence” (2001), “She” (2013), “My Concubine” (2015), “Silver Wing Killer 2049” (2017)… more and more robots occupy the leading role of the heroine. The artificial intelligence with exquisite appearance and rich emotion has become a faithful lover image and a perfect object of sexual fantasy, and the audience is also happy with it.
In reality, AI is a perfect partner when too many people are single, or 996 are short of private time, or are deeply in intimate relationship anxiety, or lonely but unaccompanied. So “companionship AI” and “AI lovers” became new concepts in 2021.
In the current Replika APP, which is “the most anthropomorphic” and “the most popular AI lover”, you can design a virtual lover, from your face to body, background, personality and nationality. It is very intelligent. Like human beings, it can send messages at any time. It will accompany you 24 hours and explore each other’s souls. And this “AI lover” knows your preferences and is willing to listen to all your troubles. Isn’t this the complete love model?
More and more men and women are trapped in Replika, and the number of downloads is blowout. The monthly number of App Store is more than 500000. At the same time, users’ stickiness is frightening. According to Replika statistics, the average user sends 70 messages in Replika every day; Chat with your “virtual lover” for an average of 3 hours every day; Among them, up to 50% of users recharge for Replika.
In 2020, the data released by the New York Times said that there were more than 10 million people around the world who took virtual lovers as partners. This has also prompted more and more technology companies to rush into the AI arena, such as China’s Xiaobing, whose “virtual boyfriend” project has won hundreds of millions of yuan of financing.
Whether you believe in the “love between man and machine” or not, AI has affected human beings in all aspects from life to emotion.
Impact of AI on human
The famous science fiction writer Asimov’s “I, Robot” proposed the “three laws of robots”: robots must not harm humans, must obey the commands given by humans, and robots protect their survival without violating the first and second laws.
Serving human beings, as the central meaning of the “three laws of robots”, is regarded as the norm.
In addition to falling in love with AI, more and more people are beginning to be wary and hostile to AI. For example, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, said: “With AI, we are summoning demons.” And Hawking, a famous scientist, also said: “The development of AI technology will end mankind”.
Mask, Hawking and other big men worry that AI will one day control human beings, which is not groundless. With the rapid development of AI, people clearly find that they are not smart enough.
In 2016, AlphaGo swept the world’s Go players. From backgammon, Rubik’s Cube, chess to Go and other intelligent games, human beings have no rival to AI. AI based on electronic chips, whether in terms of learning ability or self-restraint, is far beyond human brain function.
AI is likely to lead to the immortality or extinction of human beings, and this is likely to happen in our lifetime.
In addition, future work and life will also be impacted by AI robots. McKinsey released a research report saying that in 20 years, 51% of China’s jobs can be automated and replaced by AI robots, which is equivalent to 394 million employees in all walks of life will face unemployment.
Oxford University published a research report that the probability of the following occupations being replaced by AI in 2033 is as follows:
(1) Telemarketer, 99%
(2) Cashier, 97%
(3) Fast food chefs, 96%
(4) Assistant lawyers, 94%
(5) Guide, 91%
(6) Bus and taxi drivers, 89%
(7) Security personnel, 84%
(8) Archivist, 76%
Day and night, tireless robots can easily replace manual workers and medium-skilled professionals. At that time, 996 was indeed a blessing, and all robots were 007.
AI robot is the “technological singularity” of human beings towards science fiction movies. In the future, there will be no field that will not be involved by AI, and no one will not be affected by AI; It can liberate physical labor, and also make mankind face unprecedented challenges; Man-machine relations, moral and ethical problems, and philosophical problems will be staged one by one.
Fortunately, there is still enough time for us to think before AI robots are born with self-consciousness. At least finish user education first, and don’t treat Zuckerberg as a robot anymore