The world has entered a new period of turbulence and change. Many international institutions believe that the economy will face the risk of global recession in 2023. The risk comes from war, trade protectionism, climate change, etc.
From January 16 to 20, the 2023 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum was held in Switzerland. This annual meeting was held in the context of the most complex geopolitical and economic conflict in decades. The annual meeting gathered about 2700 political, business, academic and media representatives from around the world, focusing on how to deal with the food and energy crisis, how to deal with high inflation, low growth and high debt, how to deal with industrial recession, how to deal with social vulnerability, and how to deal with geopolitical risks.
Recently, Klaus, founder of the World Economic Forum? At the invitation of Klaus Schwab, Lord Nicholas Stern, chairman of the Grantham Institute of the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Mattia Romani, partner of Systemiq, and their team published a heavyweight research report entitled “Global growth story in the 21st century: driven by investment and innovation in green technology and artificial intelligence” on the official website of the World Economic Forum, Try to answer the key question of how the post-epidemic world will write a new growth story.
The article believes that the world is breeding a new growth and development story, driven by AI and green technology investment and innovation; Compared with the dirty and destructive road in the past, this is a more attractive and inclusive story. At the same time, the transformation to rapid and sustainable growth requires a large amount of investment worldwide: the global total investment in clean energy and digital transformation is about 5-7 trillion US dollars every year.
Lord Nicholas Stern is a well-known economist, known as the “father of climate economics”. He has served as the chief economist and senior vice president of the World Bank, president of the British Academy of Sciences, and member of the British House of Lords. He won various awards such as the Order of Knight for his contribution to the economy, international relations and climate change.